Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Clothes Made Man

If anyone's looking for an opportunity in fashion design, it's men's big and tall. I went with my sweets today to adjust his wardrobe, and, let's just say it was a rather painful experience for him (as he says it always is). Nearly every pair of pants is pleated and tapered, the dressing rooms are carelessly designed (no hooks, no shelves); the selection, sorely lacking; and the sales people, indignant. One salesman actually told us that if my sweets would wear his pants at his waist like he's "supposed to", then pleats would actually flatter. I expected him to follow this statement with "...NOT!", but he didn't and we left the store.

Blazer: thrifted. Tank: Target. Jeans: Gap. Shoes: Vintage, thrifted.

Speaking of things not fitting right, let's talk about jeans. Hardly wear 'em. Typically I favor the skinnies as I feel they're lengthening to my just-shy-of-petite frame, but occasionally I bust out a wider-cut-- the man finds 'em flattering. And, this pair happens to be one of the very few I've encountered in life that are neither too low, too incredibly long or too waist-pinchy, some of the reasons why I typically avoid pants and go for the skirts.

Necklaces: gift from Granny.

These are two of my favorite necklaces. When my granny left her home for an assisted living facility, she sent me a package full of jewelry. The keys are in regular rotation, and the camel is one of my all-time favorites. I accidentally left it on while swimming at Coney Island once and when I sat back down on the beach, discovered that the salty ocean water had completely scrubbed my camel clean. As you can see, it's since regained its patina.

Bag: thrifted.

This is one of my favorite bags, thrifted for me by Sweets. As you can see, the man has extraordinary taste. Speaking of him (in a roundabout kind of way...)

They came!!!

The shoes I was dying to wear for my lil wedding arrived today! Hooray!!! Previously sold out all over the internets, I decided to follow every single shoe-seller on Twitter for news of restocking. Solestruck made the announcement first and I pounced on it like a tweaked out teen on a fresh can of butane. Raw.

And while we're on the topic of things that are fresh, raw, and possibly addictive, I've started a brand new blog called "Tulle Box". It's wedding-themed, filled with inspiration and great, sparkly finds. It's just a wee babeh now, but I'll be dressing it up with its own little header and sidebar goodies in the coming days.

With bells on,



Have you entered the contest??? There's one more day left to enter and win a 30-day supply of Dr. Perricone's Acai Berry supplement. After a couple of weeks of drinking it daily-- and in concert with near-complete removal of all white carbs from my diet, I have to say that I definitely feel better and more in control. Loading up on protein definitely keeps the hunger swings at bay. Can't say that I've lost weight necessarily, but I notice that my skin has a bit more clarity, probably because I'm eating a lot more fish and walnuts. Om nom.


Geek Girl said...

Unfortunate about the shopping experience :(, and unhelpful sales people to boot.

The unicorn shoes!! EEEK! I was dying for them, but too slow, now sold out of my size, but really, they were a bit out of my price range although they are magical shoes, they will look gorgeous on you!

Anonymous said...

Magical shoes indeed...they'd better shoot glitter with every step! LOVE them!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh lady, those shoes are AHHHMAZING. SO glad you were able to track a pair down!

emily said...

so glad you got the shoes! they're positively beautiful. :)

Eyeliah said...

Man, that sucks! I am so glad to be a girl with so many shoopping choices. Good luck with the new blog, perhaps a post swap is in order, I could do a post on my wedding?

ELM said...

Charlie: I totally agree. It's too bad that Jeffrey Campbell's price point has jumped up quite a lot in the last couple of years!

Leesilbeeblog: Thanks! And I haven't put both shoes on and walked in 'em yet, so they just may! Ha!

Sal, Emily: Thanks!

Eyeliah: Yes, yes, yes! I would love that! I didn't know you were getting married! Congrats!

Limespark- Please Feed the Bears. said...

Oh my god, you BOUGHT THE SHOES. I love those so so much! They're magical. I'm sure they'll bring good luck to your wedding, haha.

Henri said...

Hi nice reeading your post