Monday, March 31, 2008

He, he... I win!

As a retail employee, I am painfully aware of just how badly stores want rid of last season's merchandise. Now, boots have got to be one of the most expensive things out there, especially when you're me, and you demand quality footwear. I walk too much for cheap shoes! So, I've only very recently started looking for boots.

After cruising the usual outlets, I decided to check Ebay for a week or so, and was mildly (very mildly) surprised to find that vintage boots cost near as much as new ones! I bid $50 on the beuts above, with faux croc heels, and was instantly outbid... I said screw it, I see where this is going!

On a chance outing to Urban Outfitters today (after returning a Statistics textbook... my drawing classes are way too work-intensive already!), I found the perfect new boots for $74. A very good deal, considering they're perfect. No, faux croc heel, but a perfect chestnut brown (the photo does not accurately depict the color) and just the right height for someone of smaller stature whose legs often get swallowed by tall boots.

When I got home, I saw that I lost the auction, of course, but it ended at $96 for the vintage boots, plus $12.95 S&H! Now who won??

[images via ebay and]

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