Thursday, January 7, 2010

Birthday wishin's.

My little ol' birthday is coming down the turnpike (yes, that very same birthday and turnpike shared with Sal, my birthday twin). Last year's was so very good that I could easily pass this one without notice -- I think. In case I change my mind, here's what you can bring to my birthday party at the roller rink.

Deer? Done 'em. Still like 'em though. Antlered Siamese twins? This, I gotta wear.

Brooklyn Bridge Ring

I'm really hitting the jewelry sites hard these days. I read somewhere that double rings were now a bloggy cliche, and it is true that J.Lo wore this in one of her more recent videos, but damn if I don't get a thrill from this piece! Me want.

Buffalo London Studded Heels

I spent most of my teen years in a punky state of mind; I wore a studded dog collar to a job interview, if I remember correctly; and spent my days in JNCO's and bondage pants. Now that studs have come around again, it's sort of like passing Chipotle after college. You just don't want it anymore. Disturbingly, however, I find myself strongly attracted to these heels. Maybe it's the Roxie Hart shape. Maybe it's the Nancy Reagan shade.

I love LeSportSac, but the "cartooniest" my tastes veer might be Marimekko (although I am quite partial to Tokidoki and Insight's animal series tanks). This one looks like the two brands met up and had a baby and called it Handbag. The house print? Impeccable.

I think it was DeBeers who first came out with ads for "right-hand rings". Perhaps because fewer people are getting married, or getting married later. If you want that bling, better get it for yourselves ladies! But do make sure to put it on your right hand. Whatta bunch of hooey. Although, this ring from Macha has me thinking, you know, I really should just go out there and reward myself.




Anonymous said...

Wow, your picks put mine to boring shame! And I so wish I could come to your party. No one will skate with me ...

ELM said...

Nonesense!!! Why won't anyone skate with you, partypoopers!! And you have a standing invitation.

Missa said...

I have a blogger birthday twin too! It's Amber of Violet Folklore, our birthday is coming up as well (feb. 8th).

Hope some birthday wishes come true for both you ladies!