Like a postcard, no? I couldn't believe how many people were there, considering it is November, but it is quite the draw, and a pleasant-though-windy, sunny 60-degree day to do it on.
We explored the little military catacomb things in the hills adjacent...
And faced down a few ghosts.
Snagged ya! I wanted to cross the bridge, then cross back, but by the time we were done fooling around in the catacombs and we were half way across, we were already in danger of running out of time on our 4-hour meter! Glancing through the paper Tim had given us the day before, I saw that The Exploratorium was free on Wednesdays, so we headed on over.
The park in front of it you may recognize, but only if you're into terrible action movies, as the park where Sean Connery's "Mason" reconnects with his daughter "Jade" in The Rock. I only know because I'm actually watching it right now, ironically enough.
The outside of the Exploratorium is nearly as good as the inside...
Here I am pushing the boundaries of science, meeting with my huge-headed twin from Dimension X.
Here, you can watch ice crystals as they form from water you splash on the surface through a polarized lens.
I loved this scene-- upstairs are a bunch of sound-related experiments. Not sure what he's hearing, or if his hair is dry.
Afterwards, we checked into The Mosser (highly recommended, and only $50/night through Travelocity). I was feeling under-the-weather (I blame it on my cactus-eating foray) and we decided to hang it up and call it a day, but not after eating an amazing pesto pizza and taking pervy pictures of people through the bathroom window. Hey man, fair use.
As you're reading this, I bit the bullet and am in Seattle, but I'll return to my tale-spinning on Wednesday. Hopefully I'll have my wedding pictures back by then, but I guess we'll see!
you've been taking great photos, thanks for all the recaps! (yes it looks like a postcard!
Thanks so much!! I trying to get better and better at taking photos so any criticism (or compliments) are graciously accepted. Thanks again for taking the time to mention it!
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